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In the autumn heat
unaccompanied flute
In the autumn heat was written as part of my composition course at Sydney University and
is dedicated to Catherine Fluke who has been a good friend of mine for many years.
Catherine was also the first performer at a Sydney University concert in, I think, 1999. The
piece then languished in my cupboard for some time before I began composing again in
2020, just after COVID caused widespread lockdown.
The work is in three sections: slow (Lento Freely), fast (Allegro Scherzo), and then a repeat
of the initial slow tempo. It has no time signatures allowing the performer to move freely
through the phrases.
The title comes from a T. S. Eliot poem "Burnt Norton", No. 1 of his 'Four Quartets'. Upon
reviewing this work I thought perhaps that the title was a little pretentious; but on
reflection I can understand my initail reasoning as the work does have some
relationship to the poem - at least to the first stanza.
I hope you enjoy performing this work.
In the autumn heat
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